



王淑燕早期毕业于南洋女中,过后参加 “欧南园联络所美术学会”的彩墨画、书法班以及向吴再炎学习指墨 。她也曾参与过国庆美展,欧南园联络所美术学会常年美展,新加坡航空公司40周年纪念美展,以及华人妇女协会彩墨画义展。90年代期间,她也曾参加过南洋美专的彩墨画班,师从吴墨林。 淑燕坚决的认为指画也和彩墨画一样,强调墨韵, 强调美韵,强调神采,如果没有彩墨画的基础,而作指画,指画将不具中国画的特色。书法方面,她最早是练<曹全碑>的,后来她习米芾的行书,又习王铎的草书。她懂得将米芾的特点融入至王铎,而成草书。所以也有老师评价她的行草富于阳刚之气。隶书,她则学邓石如。 这场画展由集雅轩有幸承办。

策展人感言: 黄惠玲

我有幸在王淑燕女士位于迈丁路的工作室里整理 她的作品。柜子里、抽屉里、桌子底下都是她致 力于艺术追求的证据,共有2000多件作品,其中 许多作品记录了王女士对完善笔触的坚持。或许 她进入艺术界的时间比较晚,自然而然就成了一 个好学的人。从一些草稿和废纸上可以看出,这 些图像具有相同的图像,例如花卉构图,王女士 会精心绘制20多遍。在传统的实践中,我们可以 看到并感受到艺术家对大师笔触的渴望。 

表现中国山水需要一颗具诗意的心,亦需要文学 知识,丰富灵感才策划才能创造出超越的意境, 将观者带入画中。王女士很好地掌握了水墨山水 技巧,并完成了一幅长达7米的画卷,证实了她对 这题材的掌握。此画卷于1994年完成,并于1997 年得到刘抗和潘受两位大师的认可和称赞。 

所谓指画,是用指尖和指甲代替画笔在物体表面 作画。用指画创作出来的画,可以非常自然、不 做作,王女士非常喜欢。通过她的艺术我们可以 感受到她学习的乐趣,在她的一生中,她与艺术 的关系变得密不可分。她为人低调,但在欧南CC 

欧南园美术班创始人黄恩德的鼓励下参加了多个 艺术展,并于1988年将她列为三位新兴艺术家之一。借此机会,感谢您参观展览,并希望您享受王女 士永恒笔触的幸福。


开放日期: 5月18日至31日
开放时间: 12.30pm - 5pm
地点: 集雅轩
百盛楼 Block 231 Bain St, #01-59A, Singapore 180231

Wong Soo Yen, Madam Wong’s journey is a testament to the resilience of pursuing one’s passions despite obstacles. Her dedication to both her family and her artistic pursuits is inspiring. It’s wonderful to hear how she found her way back to art through the Outram Park Arts Group and how her love for finger painting and Chinese ink grew. Traveling, too, seems to have enriched her perspective, especially in her appreciation for landscapes. Madame Wong’s commitment to practicing and sharing her joy through group shows highlights the transformative power of art in one’s life.

This exhibition gives us the opportunity to take a glimpse of her journey and dream to be an artist through parts of her earlier to later works.

Curatorial Note by Oscar Ng

Madam Wong named her studio Mo Yuan Zhai (墨缘斋) to express her deep passion for ink art. Her interests span Chinese ink paintings, calligraphy, finger painting, drawing, and Western paintings. In this special tribute, we present a selection of her stunning ink landscapes, finger paintings, and other captivating themes to share with viewers.

I have the privilege of assisting in the organization and  management of Madam Wong’s art collection at her  studio on Mydin Road. Hidden in cupboards, drawers,  and under tables, we discovered over 2,000 works,  each a testament to her dedication and persistence in  perfecting her strokes. Although she may have started  her art journey later in life, she became an avid and  meticulous learner. Evidence of this is found in her  numerous drafts and discarded papers, where she  repeatedly drew the same floral compositions, sometimes  more than 20 times, reflecting her determination to  master traditional techniques. 

Creating Chinese landscapes requires a poetic heart,  knowledge of literature, and intricate planning to evoke  a transcendent mood that transports viewers through  time. Madam Wong excelled in this art form, completing  a remarkable 7-meter-long scroll in 1994, which was  later endorsed and praised by Master Liu Kang and  Pan Shou in 1997. 

Finger painting, which involves using the tips of fingers  and nails instead of brushes, allows for highly spontaneous  and unpretentious creations. Madam Wong found  great joy in this technique, and her art reflects her  enthusiasm for learning. Throughout her life, her bond  with art was inseparable. Despite maintaining a low  profile, she participated in several art shows, encouraged  by Mr. Ng Woon Teck, Founder of the Outram CC Arts  Group, who featured her as one of three emerging  artists in 1988. 

We are grateful for your visit to this exhibition and hope you find joy in experiencing Madam Wong’s eternal brushstrokes.

Eternal Brushstrokes: A Tribute to Wong Soo Yen

Exhibition period:18th - 31st May 2024
Opening hours: 12.30pm - 5pm
Location: Converge Art Converge Art Gallery
Bras Basah Complex Block 231 Bain St, #01-59A, Singapore 180231
