
Bayard Magazines

Box Magazines(Bayard Magazines)
Box Magazines(Bayard Magazines)


Story BOX

10 issues in 1 year
Ages 3 to 8
$106 (Usual Price $118)
Purchase Link: https://bayardmagazines.sg/product/storybox-ages-3-8/

3 to 8 years old is an important stage for children to establish interest in reading. The earlier you start parent-child reading together, the more important it is for children to establish good reading habits. When parents tell stories, they lead their children into interesting stories, so that children will unconsciously arouse their interest in reading. In addition, the interaction during parent-child reading, such as role imitation, singing and playing games together, can enhance the parent-child relationship.

Children will gradually become familiar with sounds, single words, and even short sentences, enrich their vocabulary, and lay a solid foundation for their listening and comprehension skills. “Storybox” is one of the best books for English enlightenment for children aged 3 to 8! Special stories with short sentences and beautiful pictures can dispel fear for children who are new to English; they are accompanied by English story recordings to help develop children’s sense of English; small games and comics are added to help build interest and confidence in reading English.

$106 (原价 $118)

3岁至8岁是孩子建立阅读兴趣的重要阶段。 越早开始亲子共读,孩子建立良好的阅读习惯就越重要。 家长在讲故事的时候,带领孩子进入有趣的故事,这样孩子就会不自觉地激发起阅读的兴趣。 此外,亲子阅读过程中的互动,如角色模仿、唱歌、一起做游戏等,都可以增进亲子关系。

孩子们会逐渐熟悉声音、单词甚至短句,丰富词汇量,为听力和理解能力打下坚实的基础。 “Story BOX” 是3-8岁儿童英语启蒙最好的书籍之一! 简短的故事和精美的图片可以消除刚接触英语的孩子的恐惧; 配有英文故事录音,帮助培养孩子的英语感; 添加小游戏和漫画,帮助培养阅读英语的兴趣和信心。

Adventure BOX

10 issues 1 year
Ages 6 – 10
$106 (U.P $118)
Purchase Link: https://bayardmagazines.sg/product/adventurebox-ages-6-10/

Helping children establish independent reading habits is the focus of training during the period from 6 to 10 years old. After entering Primary One, children will be exposed to more and more words, so starting at the age of 6, parents should gradually help children transition from image to text reading, and to read fluently on their own, so that children will not lose confidence in reading. Parents can start with topics that their children are interested in, and arouse their children’s motivation to read actively. As a result, children can greatly increase their reading literacy, fluency, and learn more knowledge.

Good reading habits. “AdventureBox” is specially created for children aged 6 to 10. The proportion of illustrations and text in the story is half and half, and the creators share the creation process and record the story to enhance the fun of reading text and build children’s confidence and comprehension ability in reading English stories.

$106 (原价 $118)
购书链接: https://bayardmagazines.sg/product/adventurebox-ages-6-10/

帮助孩子建立独立的阅读习惯是6岁至10岁期间培养的重点。 进入小一后,孩子接触的文字会越来越多,所以从6岁开始,家长要逐渐帮助孩子从图文阅读过渡到文字阅读,并流利地自主阅读,这样孩子才不会失去信心。 在阅读中。 家长可以从孩子感兴趣的话题入手,激发孩子主动阅读的动力。 这样一来,孩子们的阅读素养、流畅度就能大大提高,学到更多的知识。

良好的阅读习惯。 “Adventure BOX” 专为6至10岁儿童打造,故事中图文比例各半,创作者分享创作过程,记录故事,增强阅读文字的乐趣,建立孩子的自信和自信。 阅读英语故事的理解能力。

Adventure BOX MAX

10 issues 1 year
Ages 9 – 14
$106 (U.P $118)
Purchase Link: https://bayardmagazines.sg/product/adventurebox-max-ages-9-14/

After the child has mastered the basic English vocabulary and reading comprehension skills, parents can encourage the child to choose more interesting medium-length novels, because the golden period for children to develop English reading and writing skills is between 9 and 12 years old. With stories, it is easier for children to master different grammar, vocabulary, and sentence patterns, build English thinking, and lay an important foundation for future learning.

“AdventureBox MAX!” is suitable for children aged 9 to 14. Graphic novels have themes such as adventure, fantasy, history, humor, emotion, etc., as well as detective comics, big questions that inspire curiosity, brain games, etc., to improve children’s English. The children’s reading and writing skills would be improved, and the confidence in using English could also be enhanced.

$106 (原价 $118)
购书链接: https://bayardmagazines.sg/product/adventurebox-max-ages-9-14/

当孩子掌握了基本的英语词汇和阅读理解能力后,家长可以鼓励孩子选择比较有趣的中篇小说,因为孩子发展英语阅读和写作能力的黄金期是在9岁到12岁之间。 通过故事,孩子更容易掌握不同的语法、词汇、句型,建立英语思维,为今后的学习打下重要基础。

“Adventure BOX MAX!” 适合9至14岁的孩子。图画小说有冒险、奇幻、历史、幽默、情感等主题,还有侦探漫画、激发好奇心的大题、益智游戏等,提高孩子的英语水平 。 孩子的阅读和写作能力会得到提高,使用英语的信心也会增强。

Discovery BOX

10 issues 1 year
Ages 7 – 14
$106 (U.P $118)
Purchase Link: https://bayardmagazines.sg/product/discoverybox-ages-7-14/

After the age of 7, children generally have the basic reading ability, and can start to actively read different books to explore areas of interest. Therefore, after the age of 7, children are attracted to the knowledge express, and their horizons can be broadened through extensive reading, and then they can develop in depth. interests and abilities. This stage is also the golden period for children to strengthen their brain potential. Parents encourage children to choose interesting reading materials by themselves, which will help develop children’s abstract thinking, logical ability, speculative ability and inquiry ability.

“Discovery Box”, which combines knowledge and fun, opens the door to knowledge for children aged 7 to 14, leading them to explore natural ecology, history and humanities, innovative technology, and space and the universe. It not only expands the worldview, but also stimulates curiosity and knowledge. Desire, inspire enthusiasm for actively absorbing new knowledge, cultivate problem-solving ability, and help adapt to the complex and changeable society in the future.

7 至14岁
$106 (原价 $118)
购书链接: https://bayardmagazines.sg/product/discoverybox-ages-7-14/

7岁以后,孩子一般具备了基本的阅读能力,可以开始主动阅读不同的书籍,探索感兴趣的领域。 因此,7岁以后,孩子就被知识快车所吸引,通过广泛阅读可以拓宽孩子的视野,进而向纵深发展。 兴趣和能力。 这个阶段也是孩子强化大脑潜能的黄金时期。 家长鼓励孩子自己选择有趣的阅读材料,有利于培养孩子的抽象思维、逻辑能力、思辨能力和探究能力。

集知识与趣味于一体的 “Discovery BOX”,为7至14岁的孩子打开知识之门,带领他们探索自然生态、历史人文、创新科技、空间宇宙。 它不仅拓展了世界观,还激发了好奇心和知识。 欲望,激发积极吸收新知识的热情,培养解决问题的能力,有助于适应未来复杂多变的社会。
